The Association
The Swiss Association of International Legal Practice was founded in 2019 as an informal forum for the exchange of ideas between lawyers and law practitioners from different parts of the world, working independently, with, NGOs, banks and multinational companies based in Switzerland and abroad with some kind of connections with Switzerland.
At present, the Swiss Association of International Legal Practice has gone through a complete reorganisation and aims to approach other professionals from different walks of life connected to law, and most importantly, students that ambition developing an international career in Law.
The Swiss Association of International Legal Practice is a multi-lingual and multi-cultural international lawyers and international law students organization. The Swiss Association of International Legal Practice is open to all the world’s lawyers, both general practitioners and specialists.
The Swiss Association of International Legal Practice members have extensive legal expertise, which is reflected in high-level legal debates within its thematic commissions and working groups regarding current problems faced by the legal profession throughout the world.
To promote professional excellence, the Swiss Association of International Legal Practice offers seminars, training sessions and other events throughout the year around the world, which qualify for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) purposes.
One of the objectives of the Swiss Association of International Legal Practice is to obtain a special consultative status with the United Nations in its capacity as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
The Swiss Association of International Legal Practice conducts its missions in a collegial atmosphere that favours friendship and good relationships between members.
The objectives of the association are as follows:

To provide a forum for members and their guests to discuss and exchange experiences in regard to international legal practice an related issues and other professional matters of mutual interest

To promote professional initiatives for the benefit of members

To promote an international networking experience among members.

The Swiss Association of International Legal Practice two main bodies are the General Assembly and the Governing Board. These bodies determine Swiss Association of International Legal Practice goals to adopt the rules that govern it and ensure compliance with the SAILP's principles.